The investment group Penta has entered the company NEMOS Group, a.s., which operates the Sokolov Hospital, Sušice Hospital, Nemos Ambulance outpatient unit network in the Karlovy Vary region, and is the owner of the Ostrov Hospital and NEMOS health centre in Karlovy Vary. By buying a significant majority interest, Penta has gained control of the company. The transaction is subject to the approval of the Office for the Protection of Competition.
“In contrast with Slovakia or Poland, the conditions for gaining and running healthcare facilities in the Czech Republic are fundamentally different. Since the entry to the company NEMOS we can talk of a gradual build up of a hospital network in the Czech Republic as well. The NEMOS group is an excellent example of potential cooperation between the private and public sector during the provision of healthcare to citizens of the Czech Republic.” – Václav Jirků, Penta Investments Director
“The entry of a strong investor with international experience in healthcare is good news for NEMOS hospitals. I am certain that this step will be beneficial for the healthcare facilities, employees and in particular for our patients.” – David Soukup, co-owner and executive officer of NEMOS Group a.s.
Penta has been operating in the healthcare sector for more than ten years. It is one of the areas that the group wants to develop over the long-term investment horizon.
In Slovakia it owns the Svet zdravia network of 16 hospitals, and another 14 ProCare healthcare facilities, which include the Medissimo Hospital and Health Centre in Bratislava. In Poland it owns EMC Instytut Medyczny with ten hospitals and 26 health centres, and also the Certus Hospital with three health centres in Poznan. In the Czech Republic it had already acquired the Vrchlabí Hospital.
The Czech hospital network is gradually growing under the name Penta Hospitals CZ.