The A&D Pharma Group will have a new owner. The acquisition of the group will be a significant boost to Dr.Max, a company operating also in the Czech, Slovak, Polish, Serbian and Italian markets. The transaction is still subject to approval by the antimonopoly authority and its value will not be disclosed.
The international pharmacy chain Dr.Max has concluded a purchase contract with A&D Pharma via GLEBI HOLDINGS PLC. A&D Pharma owns Sensiblu and Punkt pharmacy networks, Mediplus wholesale company in Romania and A&D Pharma Marketing and Sales – one of the biggest marketing and sales pharmaceutical platform operating in CEE. Dr.Max already operates 31 pharmacies in Romania following the acquisition of Arta pharmacies in June this year. With its total number of 631 pharmacies, the leading full-line wholesaler business, the Marketing&Sales service provider and more than 4,500 people employed, Dr.Max will become number one in the Romanian pharmaceutical market; “with the acquisition of A&D Pharma, Dr.Max is further strengthening its presence in Central Europe and is clearly expanding its leading position as an Omnichannel retail healthcare provider in Europe”, said Dr.Max CEO Leonardo Ferrandino.
“We do everything in our power to ensure that our patients trust us completely,” Leonardo Ferrandino says, and adds: “we have achieved the market leader position for our pharmacies, in particular in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, mainly by offering highly professional services, top quality products and easy access. Our company utilises top professional staff to serve our patients and strive to fulfil our patients´real needs.”
Dr.Max operates more than 1,300 pharmacies in Central and Eastern Europe with total sales of EUR 1.25 billion. Dr.Max is the first choice for customers in many countries and this makes it the strongest pharmacy brand in the Central European market. The acquisition of the A&D Pharma Group will step up the sales of Dr.Max to more than EUR 2.3 billion and the company will become a Europewide player employing more than 12,000 people. The Romanian market is highly promising for Dr.Max, nevertheless Dr.Max sees further development within Europe. The company is becoming a unique European player providing innovative ways to address health and wellbeing applying an omnichannel set up. This will generate significant benefits for patients, pharmacists, suppliers, and employees.