Penta Investment Group will spend more than € 15 million to fight COVID-19, the new type of coronavirus.
This expenditure is already being used and will be used primarily to:
- purchase specialized medical material and protective equipment
- purchase COVID-19 rapid tests
- invest immediately in healthcare facilities and pharmacies due to hospital re-profiling or technical modifications.
Penta is one of the largest investors in the healthcare sector of Central Europe. In all its medical facilities, Penta employs more than 30,000 people. Providing them with protective equipment and specialized material which is currently scarce and difficult to procure is an absolute priority for the Group.
“There is no doubt that our whole society is facing a crisis of unprecedented proportions. Our teams are working day and night in order to ensure that our medical facilities are as prepared as possible, thus enabling us to provide the best possible treatment and care for our patients,” said Jaroslav Haščák, a co-owner of Penta Group.
In the coming days and weeks, Penta is expected to import approximately 3.5 million units of protective equipment to Czech Republic and Slovakia, including the required FFP3 and FFP2 respirators. Likewise, it has also placed firm orders for and is preparing to import from China the so-called rapid tests which would enable quick testing of 100,000 people.
“We are prepared to help with rapid testing of people in full cooperation with the task force. We are able to launch the testing project across all our hospitals and clinics in order to help increase the necessary testing capacity,” said Eduard Maták, a co-owner of Penta Group responsible for healthcare.
Penta and its healthcare companies
Healthcare is one of the key sectors of Penta’s business, with the company having invested hundreds of millions of Euros in excess of its acquisitions in it. In Slovakia, the Group built a New Generation Hospital in Michalovce; a tertiary hospital of a new generation is currently under construction in Bratislava. Penta’s healthcare companies include Penta Hospitals International network of hospitals, Dr.Max pharmacies and Dôvera health insurance company.