To the health sector
we have invested more than
In the Czech Republic, Poland
and Slovakia we operate
Across our hospitals
work more than
We entered the healthcare sector with a clear vision of increasing the availability and quality of healthcare. The implementation of this long-term strategy required extensive investments that allowed us to pay off regional hospitals’ debt, as well as reconstruct and modernize them. We have streamlined individual processes, introduced innovations that increase the quality of care and make the work of healthcare professionals easier. We have also built two next-generation hospitals in Slovakia.
Our facilities are equipped with the latest technology and are places where professionalism and a human approach always come first. Our vision is to become patients’ first choice. We also emphasize the continual education and professional development of our healthcare professionals.

Number of hospitals
Number of polyclinics
Penta Hospitals in Slovakia
annually care for
Penta Hospitals in Slovakia
annually deliver
ProCare clinics
perform up to
The beginning of the story of Penta Hospitals and polyclinics dates back to 2008, when Penta built and opened the first ProCare outpatient clinic in Košice. It was the first ever private outpatient clinic in Slovakia that provided comprehensive healthcare to patients. Gradually, the network of ProCare polyclinics expanded and today the Penta Hospitals network in Slovakia operates 13 of them.
In 2012, Penta Hospitals bought or leased the first 8 regional hospitals in the Prešov and Košice regions. Later, hospitals in Dunajská Streda and Galanta became part of the network. Each of the hospitals underwent extensive renovations and modernisation, which contributed to the overall comfort of both patients and medical staff.
Today, Penta Hospitals operates a total of 16 regional hospitals that provide patients with top-quality comprehensive healthcare. At the same time, for diagnosis and treatment of patients, the hospitals use state-of-the-art medical equipment or innovations that benefit not only patients, but also doctors and nurses, whose work is made easier by technology.
In addition, we managed to build two brand new hospitals in Michalovce and Bratislava. The Bory Hospital in Bratislava, in which we invested more than €240 million, is now the most modern hospital in Central Europe. It brings completely new approach, modern technologies and innovations to the Slovak healthcare system, which significantly advance the quality of healthcare provided.
A new modern hospital pavilion is currently under construction in Spišská Nová Ves and will be completed in 2028.
Number of hospitals
Number of outpatient clinics
Number of Alzheimer Home centers
In our Czech hospitals
we hospitalize more than
Doctors in outpatient clinics perform over
In our maternity hospitals
we annually deliver
Penta entered the Czech market in 2016 with the purchase of the Vrchlabí Hospital. A year later, the first large acute care facility, the Sokolov Hospital, was added to the group’s portfolio. We currently operate a total of 9 hospitals in the Czech Republic.
Recently, we have invested significantly in the development of long-term intensive care, making us the largest provider of these healthcare services in the Czech Republic.
We achieved a significant milestone in 2018, when we also entered the social services market with the purchase of ALZHEIMER HOME special care facilities. Today, Penta is the largest provider of social services in the Czech Republic, with a capacity of up to 3,500 beds.
In addition, we are developing a network of ambulant services where we are leveraging synergies with our hospitals as well as our own social care facilities.
Number of hospitals
Number of outpatient clinics
In Poland, we take care of more than
Our Polish hospitals
annually hospitalize over
Annually, our Polish
hospitals deliver over
In 2013, Penta bought the largest network of hospitals and outpatient clinics in Poland – EMC Instytut Medyczny. Over the following years, the number of hospitals and clinics in the Penta Hospitals network grew. Today, the Penta Hospitals network operates 20 hospitals and 18 specialised clinics in Poland and employs more than 9,000 people. The network also includes 8 facilities for long-term ill patients and 1 facility for geriatric patients.
Penta Hospitals in Poland provides healthcare for more than 1 million patients annually, which includes primary and specialised care, advanced diagnostics, complex in-patient treatment and care for the elderly in specialised centres or at home.