After exceptionally successful 2016, Penta's last year's results are second best in the group's history. The group closed 2017 with a profit of EUR 236 million and its portfolio companies' total assets grew by 6 % to EUR 9 billion. Fortuna, Dr.Max , Prima banka and Privatbanka were the most profitable companies, Penta Real Estate's development activities also contributed to the success.
Dr.Max launched in Romania, Serbia and Italy. Acquisition of Romanian A&D Pharma proves the largest single investment in Penta’s history. Hattrick Sports Group successfully integrated into Fortuna Entertainment Group in Romania, Croatia and Spain. We continued the gradual increase of our share in Fortuna in preparation for its delisting from the Prague and Warsaw Stock Exchanges.
„These acquisitions will first show in 2018 figures, but we know that expansion to international markets is the most important part of Penta’s growth strategy. Our investment drive is not diminishing, we are even planning going beyond Europe.“ Marek Dospiva, Partner
Penta opened the first newly-built hospital in Slovakia since 1989 – the New generation hospital in Michalovce. In the Czech Republic, we added Ostrov, Sokolov and Sušice hospitals to our portfolio and in Poland we did the same with the Certus pharmacy chain and hospital in Poznan. Aero continued the L 39 NG development project and started preparing its production. Prima banka strengthened its position on the Slovak market, among other things by merging with Sberbank.
In Bratislava, the Sky Park project, designed by Zaha Hadid, began construction, as did Churchill Square and other projects in Prague. In Warsaw’s Mokotow district, Penta Real Estate completed the first office project – the D48. Penta successfully sold the Na Poříčí 30 building in Prague, where Motel One is the major tenant.
2017 in key figures
- Total Assets – all portfolio companies – EUR 9 billion
- Profit – EUR 236 million
- Consolidated sales – EUR 6.8 billion
- Adjusted EBITDA – all portfolio companies – EUR 382 million
Penta paid more than EUR 228,2 million in income tax, social security and health care insurance for its employees.