In the Penta investment group, at the level of capital owners or Limited Partners, changes are in progress. At the end of 2021, Jozef Oravkin will leave the position of Penta's Limited Partner for personal reasons, and he will also cease to perform all managerial competencies within the Penta Group. At the same time, trusts enter the ownership structure of Penta's Limited Partners. The part of ownership interests owned by Jaroslav Haščák were transferred to a trust fund called T69 (svěřenský fond), whose beneficiaries include Jaroslav Haščák's wife and their two sons, who are minors.
The rules in the departure of Jozef Oravkin are governed by the Articles of Association in Penta Investments Group Limited and the shareholder agreement. The payment of Jozef Oravkin’s ownership share will take place gradually over the next five years. Jozef Oravkin is a co-founder of Penta. In the group, he focused on successful projects such as the restructuring of ZSNP or Slovalco. He led an ambitious environmental project of the reclamation of the sludge field in Žiar nad Hronom, managed Penta’s entry into the banking sector and since 2005 has been predominantly focused on investments in Real Estate, specifically in Slovakia and then in Poland. Until 2020, he was the Managing Partner of Penta Real Estate. In terms of the division of competencies between Penta’s Partners, Marek Dospiva has been the Managing Partner in Penta Real Estate since 2020, so there is no fundamental change in the management system in this respect.
At the same time, trusts enter the ownership structure of Penta’s Limited Partners. Putting assets into trusts is a long-term planned step, as it is a standard way in which capital owners or company founders have approached their assets for several hundred years in the developed world. The part of ownership interests owned by Jaroslav Haščák were transferred to a trust fund called T69 (svěřenský fond), whose beneficiaries include Jaroslav Haščák’s wife and their two sons, who are minors. The trust fund T69, has thus become part of the fund’s ownership structure (Limited Partners) of the Penta investment group. Other Penta co-owners are also considering transferring their ownership rights to the trusts.
How does Penta’s ownership structure work?
The Penta group has been investing for many years through a fund currently owned by Marek Dospiva, Iain Child, Jozef Oravkin (till the end of 2021) and trust fund T69 (svěřenský fond). However, Penta actively manages its investment portfolio through management companies – General Partners, which are based primarily in Prague, Bratislava and Warsaw. The management structure is owned by Marek Dospiva, Jozef Oravkin (till the end of 2021), Iain Child, Fabrice Dumontheil, Václav Jirků and Marián Slivovič.