Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s. (SmVaK), one of the largest Czech water and wastewater companies, today issued a CZK 2,000,000,000 bond issue (the “Bond”). The issue followed a highly successful book-building process, when deal was 55% oversubscribed but was not increased. SmVaK is majority owned (98.5%) by private equity group Penta.
Citibank a.s. and WOOD & Company Financial Services a.s. acted as the Mandated Lead Managers of the Bond.
BAWAG Bank CZ a.s., COMMERZBANK Aktiengesellschaft, pobočka Praha, Dexia Kommunalkredit Bank AG, HVB Bank Czech Republic a.s. Investkredit Bank AG, Živnostenská banka, a.s. and PPF banka a.s. joined the transaction and subscribed the Bond as Managers.
"The Bond’s proceeds will be used to refinance the current SmVaK’s indebtedness and to finance its further development," said Mr. Dobeš, SmVaK’s Finance Director. „The Bond will be traded on the main market of the Prague Stock Exchange, has a bullet repayment in 10 years and bears a coupon of 5.00% p.a.," Mr. Dobeš added.
"The Bond will improve SmVaK’s financial strength and will support its further and faster development in the future," added Mr. Kúšik, partner of Penta Investments.