Among the winners there are one Polish and two Czech projects, whose authors needed to find some starting capital, but who found a niche of the market in their sectors. Beside the financial participation, Penta will provide the new start-ups with know-how sharing and experience of its investment professionals.
Supported projects:
- G4E (PL) - development and sales promotions of the "Smart Home System" product, a wireless technology for a building and home management
- JouTrip (CZ) - internet travel agency, provides the support for businessmen and companies with their orientation on Chinese market (organize the turn-key business trips)
- SelFix (CZ) - variation on the British successful model - self-repair garage (do-it-yourself)
The first round of the Venture Fund was announced last year in the countries of Penta's presence - Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is primarily aimed at perspective entrepreneurs with start-up innovative ideas. From total of 18 applications, Penta committee chose 7 to the personnel presentations. Out of them they rewarded three winning projects, which fulfilled the conditions of innovativeness and also its authors proved their skills to manage the project.