As of the end of 2006, the Penta Group reached, in accordance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS), consolidated profit in the amount of EUR 183 million, representing SKK 6.3 billion (or CZK 5.0 billion).
"Our goal for the forthcoming years is a penetration to new markets, outside the traditional Czech and Slovak spaces. In this regard, we consider the establishment of a new branch in Moscow, opened in September 2006, to be key as well. In the next period, we will open a branch in Warsaw," Jaroslav Haščák, partner of the Penta private equity group said.
Penta ascribes successes reached by it last year mainly to a successful completion of sale of Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s. The positive management of portfolio companies, especially of Slovalco, a.s., ZSNP, a.s., Paroplynový cyklus, a.s. Bratislava, or Slovenské investičné družstvo also significantly contributed to results of the Penta group.
In 2006, the first successful project of Penta in the area of Real Estate was completed; an introductory phase of a new administrative centre construction in Bratislava, Digital Park, was approved. Penta commenced to implement the project immediately upon its decision in 2005 to establish the Real Estate Department and devote itself to this area. In the same period, Penta also commenced the preparation of the implementation of several significant estate projects in the CR and SR, such as, for instance project of a new city part in Bratislava, The Port.
Penta expects that its results in 2007 will be affected mainly by new projects in the energy sector, significant acquisition of AERO Vodochody a.s. in the Czech Republic or the largest acquisition of the group outside the territory of the CR and SR, purchase of the Polish retail trade chain, Žabka.